
لم يكن كابتن سيد السبع، اقدم أعضاء السيرك، حاضرا في الإجتماع الطارىء الذي قام به المدير. ورغم أن الكابتن هو مدرب الأسد غضنفر الذي تسبب مرضه المفاجيء بأزمة حقيقية لكل العاملين بالسيرك، إلا إنه كان آخر العالمين بأمر المدير لحل الأزمة. مرض غضنفر المفاجىء حل عليه قبل يوم واحد من بدىء العرض الأهم للسيرك في آخر عدد من السنوات. فبعد أن فقد السيرك المتنقل رونقه وسمعته، سواء بسبب تكرار العروض القليلة أصلا، أو بسبب استمرار نقص العارضين على مر الأيام واعتذارهم لأي سبب كان، خاصة لكبر السن، أو بدون أسباب أصلا لمجرد أنه صار موضة اقترنت بزمن فات؛ جائت فرصة محاولة احيائه من جديد بعد أن استقبل المدير هاتفا يعلمه أن قناة تليفزيونية مغمورة تود أن تنتج فيلما وثائقيا عن السيرك وتاريخه الذي لم يعش منه إلا غضنفر وكابتن سيد. بالإضافة إلى عدد قليل من عارضي الأكروبات الصغيرين والمتناوبين بخبراتهم القليلة على السيرك وأهله. وكان مهم جدا أن تصور القناة أحد العروض لا سيما وأن غضنفر سيكون موجودا وهو الأسد الذي انتزع بزئيره ساعات من التصفيق أيام العز. لم يود المدير تأجيل التصوير ولا العرض، خشى ألا تأتي ال

Questions that crossed the mind after a walk through time

What if the generation that we accused of being stationary slaves to routine and systems were once dreamers as much as we were (or still are). What if before they got trapped in a time mirror, they tried to reach whatever they aimed for. They tried, or planned, or at least hoped, but they had obligations they had to commit to just to survive. Maybe their mediocre or the-below-our-standards jobs, were temporary plans to collect whatever money so they can start over with, and what happened is they got trapped in the job forever. What if they had to postpone the change to be after the school, to be after military, to be after securing a living, to be after marriage, to be after feeding the kids, to be after educating the kids, to be after helping the kids to marry, till it could never be. What if they realized that the world doesn't give fair chances to all, and that it is too tight for all to reach what they stretch their arms for, and that not all the arms are equal in length. What if they reached the theory that either we be successful, or be obliged to serve others' success, the others selected by fate to be; that with us feeding our basic needs we fill vacancies in organisations that grow with us growing nothing but old, and no one reaches the top of the mountain but the head of the organization. What if they were scared too much of the change we once wanted to happen, because they knew it's not going to happen, that the puzzle pieces just fit perfectly the way they are, and any movement would push the ugly building to collapse. Ugly, but it served the system of survival, it served their survival. What if they have foreseen, after it happened and they have experienced the fire that youth ignited in them, before they felt it slowly dimming when days passed and they got close to banishment out of existence, without stepping a foot on the ground they once longed for. What if they knew that this country will never take you farther than where your smallest toe can reach, so they got so desperate to do all it takes to secure the ground it's touching.

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